SEND Transport Safety Health Check
With the number of children attending special schools and the complexity of care needs increasing, transporting children safely and cost effectively is a growing concern.
Our experience is that by carefully identifying each child’s transport needs and planning and providing appropriate, tailored, travel arrangements, their journeys are less stressful, accidents and injuries are minimised and the strain on staff and budgets is reduced.
We help many local authorities improve their home to school transport services for children with additional needs and have devised a fixed price health check to address common issues that lead to complaints and accidents and which can compromise an authority’s duty of care.
Initially, we meet to discuss our approach, request the data that we need, understand specific concerns, determine who our contacts will be and agree a timetable.
We undertake a one-day, on the road, sample survey to assess the safety standards and legality of providers who transport children with additional needs on your behalf. This is followed by two days interviewing staff who commission and plan transport and children’s parents / carers to identify areas of concern and a further day, on site, reviewing your procedures and control processes.
Back at the office, we undertake a compliance check to see if your policies and procedures meet legal and good practice standards and analyse the data we have gathered (up to one week) to produce a summary with commentary on issues of concern and where your practices vary from best practice.
We present our findings and recommendations, including matters requiring urgent attention, to you via Power-point presentation.
Our fixed fee for this health check is £6,000 excluding VAT, plus travel expenses (all travel is undertaken as economically as possible in order to ensure value for money). This price only applies on mainland Great Britain.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.