Local Authority In-house Provider Health Check
Many local authorities provide journeys for adults with disabilities and children with additional needs using their own minibuses, drivers and passenger assistants.
When authorities and their in-house transport units make the headlines, it’s usually because a passenger has been injured, distressed or there has been a failure in service.
Far too often, internally, there is a perception that in-house transport provision is more expensive than commercial alternatives. In house teams are rarely recognised for the good work that they do, day in, day out, often at a lower cost and more reliably than the private sector.
As the UK’s leading experts, working exclusively on passenger transport matters, we have, over the last thirty years, helped many local authorities to optimise the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of their in-house transport units.
We often encounter the same issues (demonstrable passenger safety, documented operational efficiency, proven value for money) and have, therefore, devised a fixed-price health check to assess whether a Council is adopting best practice and, more importantly, has issues that need urgent attention.
Working closely with you and your in-house team, we review procedures and operational practices specifically relating to passenger safety, operational efficiency, licensing and value for money. We:
• Meet to discuss our approach, request the data that we need, understand specific concerns, determine who our contacts will be and agree a timetable
• Spend two days with your unit manager(s), supervisors, support staff, drivers and passenger assistants, exploring and observing
• Spend one day, on site, looking at your operational control processes
• Analyse the data we gather (up to one week, back at the office) and present our findings to you.
Our fixed fee for this health check is £6,000, excluding VAT, plus travel expenses (all travel will be undertaken as economically as possible in order to ensure value for money). This price only applies on mainland Great Britain.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.