Home to School Additional Needs Transport Safety Checks
Transporting children with additional needs safely and cost effectively is a growing concern.
We know from experience that identifying each child’s transport needs and planning and providing appropriate, tailored travel arrangements, makes their journeys less stressful, minimises incidents and reduces the strain on budgets.
We help many local authorities to address school transport issues that lead to complaints and accidents, put undue pressure on staff and compromise an authority’s duty of care.
On-site spot checks to assess the safety procedures, standards and legality of providers who transport children on your behalf are an important part of our audit process and often identify issues that require urgent attention. We also review your safeguarding, commissioning and procurement processes to ensure that they are legally compliant and reflect ‘best practice’ standards. Where a need for change is identified, we work closely with you to develop and implement new procedures.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.