Building Bus Friendly Communities
Personal mobility in the future will not be based on personal car ownership and residential, industrial and retail developers, local authorities and bus operators are exploring ways to make public transport, in all its guises, more attractive. Part of the solution is to build our physical environment so that public transport, cycling and walking are the first choice modes of travel.
We work with developers, highway engineers and transport commissioners, planners and providers to design infrastructure and services to be as attractive as possible to current and potential passengers. We assess the short and long term viability of their proposals and how they fit into the existing local public transport network, and explore the soft issues (promotions, user apps, perceived cost comparisons) that encourage people to choose alternatives to the car including, of course, cycling and walking. Our aim is to maximise the connectivity and simplicity of use of all transport modes.
In short, we apply our thirty years of public transport experience and expertise to the zero-carbon needs of tomorrow.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.