In House Transport Provision
Many local authorities provide journeys for adults with disabilities and children with additional needs using their own minibuses, drivers and passenger assistants.
There can be good reasons to do so, especially where commercial operators of specialist wheelchair accessible vehicles are few and far between or where their standards of reliability or care have proved lacking. There is often an internal perception that in-house transport provision is inefficient and when we analyse their performance we find that some are well managed and an asset to the authority while others need urgent attention for financial or safety reasons. Most provide excellent passenger care but are rarely recognised for the good work that their staff do.
As the UK’s leading consultancy working exclusively on passenger transport matters, we have, over the last thirty years, helped many local authorities to optimise the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of their in-house transport teams. We review the organisation and procedures of the team and its relationship with the transport planners who are usually in a different department and the journey commissioners who decide who will travel, where and for what purpose. We make recommendations and work closely with your managers to implement them.
You might be interested in our fixed-price, in-house transport team ‘health check’ which assesses whether a Council is adopting best practice and, more importantly, has issues that need urgent attention (click here for more information).
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.