Non-Statutory Transport Provision
A local authority’s transport policies determine who is entitled to receive assistance with travel, for what purpose, within what parameters and who pays. Beyond the criteria laid down in law, more generous provision on the basis of age, distance travelled and religious denomination is commonplace.
Transport policies can be imprecise and historical and local practices may have led to precedents and inconsistencies in applying eligibility criteria, leading to more people accessing supported transport services than is financially sustainable.
We work with local authorities to identify where service provision is in excess of the legal requirement and assess its financial cost. Where a decision is made to change policies or eligibility criteria to reduce expenditure, a carefully planned process of stakeholder consultation, the redesign of procedures and provision of staff training is required to reflect the new ‘rules’, to minimise legal challenges and implementation problems.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.