ETM Analysis
We have bespoke software for analysing ETM (Electronic Ticket Machine) data and incorporating online, app and other off-bus sales to identify sales totals. We plot ticket transaction locations, look into patterns of sales of different ticket types and provide associated advice on revenue allocation for route costing.
One UK bus operator used our fares and ticketing strategy recommendations for three years running to increase the attractiveness of the service to users and improve operating efficiency. This resulted in the adoption of ‘day’ rather than ‘return’ tickets and the introduction of a zonal fares system.
We look at passenger preference in ticket purchasing. For one operator we clearly showed that passengers preferred cash and contactless sales on-bus while all of its previous efforts had been in smartcard promotion; at a second, customers were wedded to travel office sales and we identified that sales peaked just as the office closed.
On another occasion, we tracked the use of smartcard season tickets by schoolchildren which showed beyond doubt that the assumption that most children made five trips to school and five back was very far from the truth.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.