Community Transport
Community transport services range from large urban Dial-a-Rides to rural car schemes. We have unparalleled experience and expertise in this field and are very active in this vibrant and ever-changing sector. We work on a wide variety of projects ranging from small car schemes to large social enterprises, in many different operating and funding regimes.
Sustainability has always been a critical factor for many community transport services. We understand the difficulties they face and we ‘speak the same language’. Our expertise includes business development, operational legislation, training, governance advice, financial planning, quality standards, marketing and branding, monitoring and evaluation, volunteer recruitment and measuring social impacts. We also provide advice for funders and local authorities on planning, commissioning and support for community transport services.
Our consultants’ personal commitment and energy in developing and sustaining community transport projects is unrivalled.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.