01772 204 988
Boulton Moor Bus Hub Feasibility

Our Customer
Cannon Consulting Engineers(working on behalf of Derby City Council)CCE specialise in supporting landowners, promoters and developers through the ever changing development planning process, and then taking the scheme forward to implementation.
What we were asked to do
The objective of the study was to assess the feasibility of a bus hub that would primarily serve Boulton Moor residents (and others accessing Derby City Centre by road from the South East), and provide Cannon Consulting Engineers with an evaluation of available options with which to aid their discussions with developers, bus operators and Derby City Council. Boulton Moor was currently undergoing housing development and subject to s106 planning gain funds for additional bus services.
What we did
We undertook the following:
Our report provided:We summarised the situation for the Boulton Moor Bus Hub, provided an options matrix and recommended the next steps that might to taken to develop the project further. We also provided a useful intermediary between the client and the bus operators, being able to hold bi-lateral dialogue with each party.