Taxi & private hire driver licensing health check
Unitary, District, Borough and City Council licensing authorities apply different criteria to taxi and private hire driver licensing, leading to inconsistent standards across Great Britain. Our health check is used by authorities to ensure that their licensing criteria are legally complaint, fit for purpose and adhere to best practice. This is increasingly important in the light of recent cases of criminal activity amongst taxi drivers, especially in relation to child abuse, which have called into question the stringency of some Council’s licensing policies.
Licensing authorities want to know whether their criteria would be considered adequate in the event of a major breach of conduct by a driver. Our health check provides a comparison with the licensing policies of other (similar) authorities, indicates a benchmark of good practice and makes specific recommendations for improvement. We provide an objective view on how well the travelling public is being served and, indeed, protected by your Authority’s regulation of drivers.
TAS fixed price health check
We meet to discuss our approach and understand your specific concerns, request the data that we need, determine who our contacts will be and agree a timetable.
We spend time with your licensing officer (or team) to understand the local situation, their aspirations and areas of concern and we examine your procedures and control systems, including complaint, feedback and spot check processes.
Back at the office (up to two days) we analyse the data we have gathered and undertake a compliance check to see if your policies and procedures meet legal and good practice standards.
We present our findings and recommendations, including matters requiring urgent attention, to you via Power-point presentation either in person or we can simply email it to you.
Our fixed fee for this health check is £3,000 excluding VAT, plus travel expenses (all travel is undertaken as economically as possible in order to ensure value for money). This price only applies on mainland Great Britain.
If you would like to discuss this with us please contact our office on 01772 204988 or send us an email.