Public Sector Saving & Efficiencies
We can help you to organise the way transport is planned, managed and resourced to save your money and stress and enable you to provide strong services. We can also help you to plan for past, future and current budget and staff reductions to make the most of your resources.
Public Sector Saving
We all know finance is ever shrinking and belts ever tightening and as an unprotected activity, transport is likely to bear a larger slice of the pain than other fields, yet the need for transport is as crucial as ever, if not more.
Unless change and cuts are managed and carefully coordinated, the impact of reduced spending in other areas and closure of local facilities is likely to increase the demand for transport, placing further pressure on limited resources.
TAS can help you plan for past, future and current budget and staff reductions and we can help you make the most of your resources and get the most out of:
- Organising Transport
- Subsidised Local Bus Services
- Home to School Transport
- Special Educational Needs Transport
- Social Services Transport
- In-House Fleets
- Procurement Methods
We do not deal in ‘theoretical’ recommendations, we plan for real savings in actual ‘hard cash’. We have confidence in our methods of undertaking contract reviews so we often accept a low fee in exchange for a proportion of the cost savings.
Rural Transport
TAS has worked on a wide range of both conventional and unconventional passenger transport services in rural areas. We have developed a pragmatic approach to rural transport needs assessment based on combining census analysis, access to facilities and local desires, but which takes financial viability into account.
This approach helps identify the core conventional networks which we believe should be underpinned in the planning approval process, with a view to minimising the missing links between housing, work, shopping, recreation and health facilities.
Whilst rural areas can differ dramatically from each other, inherent in the general nature of rurality is a relatively low density of population and geographical dispersal. This can create viability problems for conventional public transport service design.
Taxi & Private Hire
TAS has substantial experience of taxi and private hire service procurement, and particularly of ensuring good quality standards for vulnerable passengers.
We have a good understanding of taxi and private hire licensing regulations and processes under the different legislative regimes that apply across the UK, and have developed driver training systems covering the needs of disabled passengers, for incorporation within the licensing process.
Recent studies and surveys for local authorities have focused on unmet demand, quality standards and provision levels.

Integrated Transport Units
TAS has a wealth of experience in:
- integrated service design
- co-ordinated networks
- client – Agent relationship management
- performance management & reporting
- resource utilisation
- procurement techniques
- quality & safety standards
- staff training
- contractor development
- identifying potential improvements
Travel Training
TAS has substantial experience of taxi and private hire service procurement, and particularly of ensuring good quality standards for vulnerable passengers.
We have a good understanding of taxi and private hire licensing regulations and processes under the different legislative regimes that apply across the UK, and have developed driver training systems covering the needs of disabled passengers, for incorporation within the licensing process.
Recent studies and surveys for local authorities have focused on unmet demand, quality standards and provision levels.
Key Contacts

John Taylor
Deputy Managing Director